Download the latest version of GBWhatsApp APK Official Anti Ban. GBWhatsApp APK Download is a popular WhatsApp and an alternative version of the original WhatsApp app, GBWhatsApp APK is prevalent these days among users. You can download this app via the download link we provided. WhatsApp is one of the top chatting apps available for Android and other smartphones. GBWhatsApp APK download on your smartphone.
Stay with me to get more interesting information!
You will get many features in the application. We use GBWhatsApp (GBWA) free for our everyday needs such as chatting, voice messages, and video calling, on top of all these, WhatsApp offers some features like sharing locations, documents, contacts, and much more.

Are you looking for the GBWhatsApp latest version? If yes, you have landed at the right place, Download Latest GBWhatsapp APK v19.52.3, on our website. Nowadays, GBWhatsApp APK is a very well-known tool for those users who use multiple accounts of WhatsApp. GB WhatsApp APK Download latest version by clicking the download button, you can also get other WhatsApp at GBPlus.
What’s New In GB WhatsApp
- Stickers in images are enabled.
- You can chat and text anywhere to any person.
- Enable archive chat option by typing three dots.
- You can add contacts by the Scan bar code.
- You can change a theme in this WhatsApp.
- You Can Use Multiple accounts in this app.
- You can upload 80 images.
- Hide double tick (Online status).
- Always online feature is available.
- Backup feature is available
- You can hide chat in this WhatsApp.
- You can hide writing status.
- New and customized emojis are available.
- Hide recording status is a new feature in this app.
- You can connect it to WhatsApp Web.
- You can Enable password.
- You can change the video player in GBWA.
- Fresh seen tick styles.
- Video status limits up to 7 minutes instead of 30 seconds. (Cool Feature)
- Status can be download in this app.
- Many languages are available.
- You can send large files of videos.
- Many Themes are available in this.
Extra Added Features
- Use the official GBWhatsApp, be safe, and beware of those scripted malware found as GBWhatsApp on some websites
- Get lots of themes created by some users of this app, all of those themes are free
- If you want to use dual WhatsApp on the same device, you can do so by using GBWhatsApp APK. You can use the normal version of Whatsapp and the GBWA at the same time on the same device
- You may like to put your daily story on Whatsapp status, images, quotes, videos, and more, but you can’t copy all these in the ordinary version of WA. You can do so in GBWA
- The problem we usually face in WA is the problem of sending large files like APK files, video files, songs, and other data. This WA version of GBWA allows you to send video files up to 50MB and audio files up to 100MB, you can also decrease/increase the limit in settings
- The most famous feature of GB Whatsapp is the hidden message ticks. You can hide your message blue double ticks, double ticks to your contacts
- When you open the WhatsApp app, you expose you are on WA to your contacts. You can be online without letting know to them by turning on “Hide online status.”
- Suppose you visit your dream places and you take lots of pics, you want to share them with your friends in WhatsApp, but you can not send more than 10 pics at a sending time. There you need GBWA in which you can send more than 10 pics at a sending time.
- Customized emojis are amazing for GB WA users. you get new and customized emojis, available for GB WA users only
Before I start telling you the Benefits of the GBWhatsApp WAAPK, I am supposed to let you know what GBWhatsApp APK is. GBWhatsApp provides some amazing and new features. You can use multiple accounts, hide seen tick, send large files of videos, New styles new themes, various languages, Backup features, and also, you can also change a theme in GBWhatsApp APK.