There are some common expressions that we use in everyday conversation. One is a visit, which means an occasion or time for visiting friends. This could mean a social meeting or a visit from a friend. A visit usually implies a short meeting or a short stay. It doesn’t mean a long, leisurely trip to another place. This term is used frequently in our language.
Sometimes, we will want to know about the circumstances of a person’s visit. We may ask a friend how his visit went. We may ask what he has been doing and what he has been seeing. The term is also Visitation used when someone wishes to have a visit.
For example, I would like to visit my family this weekend. In this case, the visitor is me, and the visit would mean spending a day with my family.
We use the word visitation for different reasons. Some visitations are for a pleasant event such as going on a vacation, celebrating a special occasion, or visiting a friend or relative. We also use the word visitation to mean something unpleasant such as an injury or sickness. For example, she visited her doctor because of chest pains. She went to see her lawyer because of a lawsuit against her. We will be using this term again in this section. Some visitations are spiritual in nature.